Rama: Our ambition, the average salary of teachers beyond 1 thousand euros!

2025-03-07 15:06:34 / POLITIKË ALFA PRESS

Rama: Our ambition, the average salary of teachers beyond 1 thousand euros!

Prime Minister Edi Rama today brought to attention supportive policies in education, while stating today that "our ambition is to raise the average salary of teachers beyond 1 thousand euros."

Prime Minister Rama was present today at the appreciation ceremony for teachers who have made a valuable contribution to Albanian education on the occasion of March 7, Teachers' Day.

While focusing on the changes that have occurred in the education system, Rama emphasized that "we have achieved three very important things that had become a very big problem for the entire teaching community.

Rama emphasized that the teacher's authority was an authority that was trampled on to the point of nothing, due to the complete insecurity of the job.

Also, according to him, "meritocracy in the selection of teachers and their further career promotion was in fact grossly violated."

The remuneration of teachers, according to the Prime Minister, was extremely insufficient in conditions where the challenge of being a teacher is becoming increasingly difficult.

"Today, in all three of these areas, we have a situation that has changed for the better. All teachers are completely free to have whatever political opinion they want. They are completely secure in their workplace and are certainly fully respected for the daily contribution they make," said Rama.

All those who are included in this community of people so important to the people, according to him, "now no longer enter through the back doors of various connections, but enter through a single door, which is the door of meritocracy, through the portal 'Teachers for Albania'".

Rama emphasized that the "Teachers for Albania" portal has been a law for years now and not simply an initiative to facilitate recruitment processes for those who have the merits and lack the necessary connections.

Focusing on the significant increase in teachers' salaries, Rama assured that "we will return to the policy of increasing salaries."

"Raise your hand if you thought that in 2024 the average salary would be 950 euros. A very significant fact of the economic strengthening of our country but also of the will to strengthen teachers and their family budgets. It is certainly a very dignified salary, but there is no question that it is absolutely not the end, but it is a station on a road where we will once again return to the salaries of teachers, doctors, nurses and all those who serve this Republic. Our ambition is to bring the average salary of teachers beyond 1 thousand euros," Rama emphasized.

Prime Minister Edi Rama today brought to attention the fact that teachers today teach in schools transformed to European standards with intelligent laboratories and sports gyms.

Prime Minister Rama participated today in the appreciation ceremony for teachers who have made a valuable contribution to Albanian education, on the occasion of March 7, Teachers' Day.

"You are in a daily struggle with another 'teacher' who is actually a 'de-teacher' who sits in the pocket or bag of your children and who constantly encourages them through all his faces, social networks, to do the complete opposite of what you ask of them," said Rama.

The Prime Minister assured teachers that this is a challenge where they are not alone, and the government is always by their side, constantly improving conditions and expanding opportunities.

"Today you go to a dignified workplace, to schools that are not simply transformed but with the standards of good schools. Today, technology teachers or those who want to become teachers have at their disposal laboratories of the highest standards that will be added year after year to cover all the needs of all schools for intelligent laboratories within three years," said Rama.

The Prime Minister emphasized that today there are auxiliary libraries in schools that we will continue to enrich.

Meanwhile, Rama underlined the importance of reviewing curricula and textbooks to meet the challenges of the time.

"Today there are two major programs that we are determined to expand further, the Arts and Crafts program, which is a program that has had a lot of impact where it has been developed and has taught us that we need to expand it much more to give children the opportunity to have access," said Rama.

The Farms in Schools Program, according to him, will be further expanded to provide all schools with the opportunity for children to learn about the land and its products.

Meanwhile, the large sports program, according to Rama, currently numbers 12,000 children in a movement that has aroused the interest and respect of the global Olympic community.

"This program is destined to grow by creating a free and new space for children, but also a nursery from which I am convinced that the necessary talents will emerge to raise Albania's levels and represent it in international competitions," Rama added.