Basha from Shkodra with the candidates: Rama-Berisha continued the bargaining, Albanians lost 4 years for their own interests

The political leader of the Euro-Atlantic Coalition, Lulzim Basha, presented today the candidates for deputies of the Shkodra district in front of the city structures. In his speech, Basha said that the strength of their unity is the love for the country and the city of Shkodra and not personal interests or bargaining.
He emphasized that the past four years are lost for Democrats and Albanians, as efforts to maintain a close relationship with the US have been undermined by part of the opposition and the current government.
Basha said that the cause of the situation in which Albania finds itself and the worsening situation in the country is due to government corruption, and according to him, Albanians cannot waste another four years. Describing this government as the most corrupt in the Balkans, he said that an immediate change is needed.
Excerpt from Lulzim Basha's speech:
Today is the prelude to a beautiful spring of hope that Shkodra and Albania desperately need. While the author of winter in Albanian families and his allies continue to bicker and bargain among themselves, we are in this room from which hope radiates.
What has brought us together in this hall? Have we gathered for an individual? Have we gathered for personal interests, or has bargaining, or guilt, or fear brought us together? None of these. In this hall today are the most worthy representatives of Shkodra's citizens. Today there are people who have been united above all and first of all by love, for Shkodra, love for Albania.
For four years, the bells of change have been ringing in the soul, in the mind of every Albanian, but the greatest difficulty in turning this change from desire into fact has been the lack, cooked by the hands of the craftsmen of chaos, of a credible alternative. Because unlike us in this hall who are not hostages to anything and have not accepted a bargain for anything, unfortunately others have united and separated for personal interests.
First and foremost, we are united by love for the country, love for Shkodra, for Malësia e Madhe, for Vau e Dejës, for Puka and Fushë Arrëz, we are united by love for every Albanian and with it a project of hope that is based on our values, on values that have been betrayed and set aside for a long time. But today they find expression in a program embraced by all of us and drafted by experts who do not come with empty promises, but with real solutions, which will be made possible by real representatives of the citizens, not products of compromises. We are not united by bargaining, dirty bargaining like those who sold Shkodra a year ago and all of Albania.
Time proved us right. Four years have passed, we tried to keep the Democrats on the side of our strategic ally the USA. Because we know, especially the Albanian right, that without our strategic ally, Albania and the Albanians cannot take a single step forward. For four years in a row they told us what we need America, listen to what they say today, America is our strategic partner. We can't go anywhere without America. These are not my words, they are not your words, they are not our words, they are our positions of four years. But they are those who for four years in a row told the Democrats and the Albanians what we need America, now they say America is our strategic partner.
Why four wasted years? Four years of wasted time for Albanians, they ask themselves the question why? Because this is a wasted time for the opposition, for the democrats, for the Albanians, for the families of Shkodra and all of Albania, for the Shkodra families who have massively taken the path of emigration, for their parents. It is not too late for those who have continued the path of the bazaar at the expense of Shkodra and the people of Shkodra. They have continued to multiply their wealth, to erect their towers, to obtain their permits, to obtain tenders from the government and to lease their facilities to the government.
Time proved us right and today we are before the Albanians, before the people of Shkodër, that what unites us are these values and the awareness that Albanians do not have time to wait another four years. A government half of which has ended up behind bars and the other half deserves to be there, and will be there an hour or so ago. The most corrupt government in the Balkans, the cause of misery, the killing of hope, injustices and mass emigration.

The "greatness" of an American consultancy.
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