Renowned pharmacist reveals reasons for running with the Euro-Atlantic Coalition, Diana Toma: What hurts people the most is healthcare

2025-03-10 14:29:37 / POLITIKË ALFA PRESS

Renowned pharmacist reveals reasons for running with the Euro-Atlantic

The Euro-Atlantic Coalition's candidate for MP for Tirana, Diana Toma, a renowned pharmacist and former President of the Pharmacist Order, during an interview with Euronews Albania, stated that healthcare remains one of the biggest problems for Albanian citizens.

She said that politics has negatively impacted this sector, interfering with the way health professionals function.

Toma, who has not previously been politically engaged, said she decided to become part of politics after facing challenges and barriers set by decision-makers for years.

As the former head of the Albanian Pharmacists' Order, she has seen firsthand how proposed solutions are often not implemented due to clientelistic interests. For this reason, she considers it necessary to involve professionals in politics to bring about real change.

" Referring to developments or problems spread over the years, what hurts people the most is healthcare, what cripples the Albanian state a lot is healthcare. And I think this is the reason why politics nowadays seeks to touch the conscience of citizens. First by awakening the conscience to vote and then to support it with professionals who come from these fields. I would single out a characteristic of some political forces in these professionals they are inviting, professionals who have previously been uncommitted, personally I have not been engaged. I have often encountered the question, from colleagues or from those who know me: how is it possible because you have always preferred to stay away from politics. I had decided to stay away from politics and very close to the problems of my profession. But most of the problems of my profession came from and were caused by politics.

And it's not that we went to politics, politics came and entered and disrupted the good way of doing the profession in our country. I have been faced with parliamentary committees since 2003. I thought that a politician has a duty to listen, understand and implement correctly what a professional, especially in very important or vital areas such as healthcare, should apply in his work. As a result, who was it? A very ugly theatrical performance, where you, with all your passion, with all your dedication to solving this type of problem, would go and argue and not only show what the problem was, but also clearly show them what the solution was to get out of this problem. And that solution never came at the moment when you saw that the solution conflicted with narrow clientelist interests. I touched this type of problem very closely for 10 consecutive years that I was the head of the institution of the Order of Pharmacists of Albania. "I went there with the same principle, with the same devotion, I clashed even more fiercely because I saw the reactions of Albanian politics even more closely. And this made me respond to an invitation with a positive response ," said Diana Toma.



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