Problems for the white and blue team, the Tirana midfielder will be out for a month

Ermal Meta risks ending his season prematurely. The Tirana and Shpresa player was injured in the match the white and blue team played against Dinamo.
After that match, he did not train and did therapy, and even missed the match with Laçi. The footballer was not even on the bench, while after the match it was officially confirmed that the player is injured and will be out for a long time. Information from the white and blue team indicates that Meta has a first-degree injury. Under these conditions, he cannot play and will be a big absence for the team in the match with the Shkodran team and not only.
The diagnosis given by the doctors means that the footballer will not play for at least a month. Considering that today is March 10, Meta could at best be on the field at least in mid-April. This means that the player, who plays both in defense and in midfield, risks having closed the football season. The player, in these conditions, would be a big loss for the white-and-blue team, as Shkëmbi will not have a starter available. Meta is the second player who could miss the season. Before him, Qëndrim Ismajli has said "farewell" to the season. The footballer has a fracture and will not be available to Bledi Shkëmbi until the end of April.
THERAPY – The player has been undergoing therapy at the FSHF clinic for days, to be ready as soon as possible. Meta is one of the elements that Tirana claims a lot, after rejecting an offer from Ukraine for 250 thousand euros in the summer. The footballer has renewed with Tirana and is part of the project for the 2025-2026 season.

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