Klodiana Lala provides details from the hearing against Erion Veliaj in the Appeal of the GJKKO, what is the new evidence that weighs on the mayor's position?

Journalist Klodiana Lala shares details from the hearing held today in
The appeal of the GJKKO regarding the investigations against the mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, which was postponed until tomorrow.
Invited to the "Open" show on News 24, Klodiana Lala said that the new data that SPAK has is related to contracts fictitiously concluded by the company of Erion Veliaj's wife, Ajola Xoxa, in which Erion Veliaj is included.
According to new data, Veliaj benefited from fictitious invoices from Ajola Xoxa's company.
Klodinana Lala: Initially, one of Veliaj's two lawyers spoke, he requested a complete repeal of the measure, according to him there was no risk of Veliaj leaving the country, according to him there was no risk of Veliaj destroying evidence. They suggested a property guarantee in the amount of 50 million old euros. When the lawyers finished, the prosecutors were to give their statements.
Dumani insisted for 1 hour and 30 minutes that Veliaj remain in the same security measure, because according to SPAK there is evidence and new evidence that aggravates Veliaj's position. The hearing was very long. The new evidence has been made available only to Veliaj's lawyers. The new data are mainly contracts concluded by Ms. Ajola Xoxa's companies, considered contracts concluded fictitiously and then accompanied by fictitious banking transactions that are thought to further increase the money laundering scheme.
Veliaj is implicated in this scheme not only because he is Xoxa's husband but also because he benefited from it due to his position as mayor. There was also information related to invoices seized from Ajola Xoxa's companies but also from third-party institutions.

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