Media Commission, hearing session with candidates for members of the RTSH Steering Council

The Committee on Education and Public Information is holding a hearing today with some of the candidates for members of the RTSH Steering Council.
The chairwoman of this committee, Ina Zhupa, said that the hearing process comes after the dismissal of the members of this council from the committee. "I hope that our hearings will rise to the levels of professionalism that we require for the future members of this council," she said at the start of the proceedings.
Zhupa addressed the candidates with the same question: why they have run for this position and what they will bring most to RTSH.
One of the candidates for member of the RTSH Steering Council, Agim Bajko, said that "20 years in the print and electronic media are a very valuable asset for this position for which I am running."
While the other candidate Alfons Zeneli stated that "my contribution to this council will be efficient due to the long experience I have at RTSH, considering all those channels, the labyrinths of how things work in television."
Speaking about the reasons for running for member of the RTSH Steering Council, Alket Braho emphasized that "I believe that I meet the criteria in the formal aspect, but this is not the significant reason". "I believe that with my professional background I can make my important contribution to the public broadcaster in Albania. RTSH has had and should have an important role in informing the public and educating citizens and promoting our traditions of culture and national identity", he said.
Candidate Arben Derhemi said that "some of the main points that I think should change in RTSH are points that have to do with art, culture, film in general, the production by such a television, which must account for an entire audience, and the political and professional impartiality of that television. Another point is the development of that television in terms of the quality of programs, which educate an entire people and an entire youth, which we must take into account because it is a television that ultimately accounts for an entire audience, which is why it is called RTSH."
Anila Varfaj, another candidate for member of the RTSH Steering Council, said that "RTSH has some shortcomings, as the editorial policy has been somewhat non-inclusive. One of the things I would emphasize is the need to be a spectrum of humor, digitalization, and thirdly, I would like to dwell on an undeniable aspect, which is the RTSH orchestra, which can make this institution known not only institutionally, but also internationally."

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