It was said that he wished Meta a happy birthday, Kryemadhi explains the video: I had it for Denisa!

Monika Kryemadhi in the studio of the show "Opinion" on TV Klan has also clarified a video that has been circulating where it was meant as a birthday greeting for former President Ilir Meta.
The mayor explained that the congratulatory message was not for Meta, but for the wife of a friend of his.
Blendi Fevziu: Mr. Meta had his birthday a few days ago, you congratulated him despite the divorce that you learned about in the media, despite all the quarrels, problems and accusations.
Monika Kryemadhi: No, it's not a congratulatory message for Mr. Meta. Mr. Meta, I've said it once again, don't confuse him with Erion Veliaj, who took Alqi Bllko's phone and didn't let the ambassador go without calling the congressman and senator from prison. Mr. Meta doesn't use a phone to my knowledge. He can use Skype, but if he uses Skype, he misses out on meeting his children and family. Here is an interview with Denisa, Bruno Liço's wife, a friend of mine, who also had a birthday. There are many people whose birthday is on March 24.
Blendi Fevziu: So it had two meanings. You sent a message to Meta and...
Monika Kryemadhi: No, I'm glad that this video has had millions of views and has made a lot of news.
Blendi Fevziu: So there was no congratulations for Ilir Meta?
Monika Kryemadhi: No, it wasn't a congratulation for Ilir Meta. The congratulation was for Denisa.
Meanwhile, among other things, Kryemadhi adds that he congratulated Ilir Meta as a politician and as the father of his children, while not sparing any credit to him for what she is today.

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