"I'll make you drink poison!", the testimony of the minor son of the Loka family is revealed: My father tried to stab me too! In 2023, my mother attempted suicide, but...

2025-02-06 18:28:47 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

"I'll make you drink poison!", the testimony of the minor son of

The Durrës Court today sentenced Xhemal Loka to 10 years in prison, on charges of illegal possession of weapons and causing the suicide of his wife Bedrie Loka, an event that occurred on January 2, 2024.

Journalist Klodiana Lala has provided BalkanWeb with the testimony of one of the Loka couple's sons, who has recounted frightening, even repeated episodes of domestic violence.

In his testimony before prosecutors, the minor K. Loka confessed that in one episode, his father took the knife and wanted to stab him, an episode that is also mentioned in the testimonies of the minor's brother and sister.

"Dad was never around us, he made threats, insults, towards us and the relationship between the two parents was bad. Mom wanted to go to her mother and dad wouldn't let her go because other people were pushing her. Mom called me on the phone and told me dad was coming and I went to the house and I saw that things were in the extreme. Dad had raped mom with his fists, had laid her on the ground, they had fought each other and mom was completely blackened from her arms and parts of her body that mom showed me.

The two of them had argued before because her father wouldn't let her go to her uncles and mother's house
and told her he would kill her brothers. When he arrived on December 27, 2023, he pushed my mother and I stood up and he went and took the knife to stab me and if it weren't for my mother and brother, he would have
killed me.

Regarding the last incident, my father has committed acts against my mother, both physical and
psychological, from 2021 onwards, they have happened frequently. I was present at all
the events that occurred at home and my father has committed repeated acts of physical violence against my mother
by hitting her with his hands and with a stick, with tools that were there. In addition to my mother, my
father has also raped me, he has beaten me with his fists, for the fact that I do not study at school, with a belt, in
the face and in the whole body, he has made me sit on the sofa and kicked me and it has happened on several occasions in
the same way…

...That night he came on the 27th, he took the gun and told mom he was going to kill his brother. The gun was in the house and there were other guns. He told mom he was going to make her drink poison and we were present. I worked at mom's job and he called her on the phone threatening her and I saw mom who was not at work, I looked for her and saw her sitting in a corner crying and she had the poison in her hand, a capsule and I opened it and it had a strong smell. This happened in September 2023, before dad came from Greece", his testimony states, among other things.


Happening now...