Klodiana Lala explains why the American lawyer was not allowed to participate in the hearing against Erion Veliaj in the Appeal of the GJKKO

Joshua Roberts is the American lawyer who was not allowed to participate today in the hearing against Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj, in the Appeal of the GJKKO.
The American lawyer requested to attend the hearing as an observer, but his request was denied.
Regarding this issue, journalist Klodiana Lala said today on the "Open" show on News 24 that the American lawyer was not accepted because Albanian law does not allow third parties to participate in court hearings except for parties determined by law, such as defense attorneys and prosecutors.
Lala said that the only possibility for the American lawyer to participate in the hearing today would be if he had a contract with an Albanian law firm and if he was registered in Albania according to Albanian law.
Klodiana Lala: Representative of an American law firm, who yesterday had a long meeting with Veliaj in the detention cells in Durres, in the presence of Veliaj's lawyers. He said yesterday that he was in the capacity of an observer. He appeared today at the Appeal of the GJKKO in the role of an observer. Albanian law does not provide for the presence of other parties during the hearing for the review of the appeal than the designated parties. In this regard, the Court informed him that he could not be present at the hearing.
There is only one possibility for him to be present at the Court of Appeal, if he had a cooperation contract with an Albanian law firm and if he was registered according to the law in Albania. So this was the only possibility for him to participate in the process. He did not make a fuss on his way out.

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