Requested to declare "SKY ECC" wiretapping invalid, the Constitutional Court rejects the request of businessman Pëllumb Gjoka

The Constitutional Court today rejected the request of the businessman arrested in the "Metamorphosis" case, Pëllumb Gjoka. With his request, Gjoka requested the invalidation of the wiretaps of the SKY ECC platform, on which the investigation and operation for the "Metamorphosis" case were based.
The Constitutional Court has not considered the request for the repeal of the security measure “prison arrest” and the invalidity of the evidence collected through SKY ECC to be well-founded. In its argumentation, the Court emphasizes that the previous decisions of the GJKKO and the Criminal College of the Supreme Court are in accordance with the Constitution and the principles of proportionality. Gjoka will remain under the security measure “prison arrest”, while the investigations into the structured criminal group continue based on the evidence obtained from the SKY ECC communications.
Pëllumb Gjoka, was arrested in July 2023 as a suspected member of a criminal organization that had committed, among other things, murder and hostage-taking. He is the owner of the company "Imperial Group", with activities in the field of tourism investments and gambling, among other businesses.
In 2021, the Albanian government granted this company the status of strategic investor for the Silver Sand Resort project, a massive project that is to be spread over an area of 113 thousand square meters for the construction of palaces, villas and hotels. According to published documents, the planned investment value was 52 million euros, of which, part would be financed by the sale during the construction of apartments and villas.
The investigation against Gjoka began after a file arrived from France. He and other members of the group face nine types of criminal charges, including murder, active corruption and money laundering, committed within the framework of a structured criminal group. Meanwhile, the officials arrested as part of the organization are accused of corruption, disclosure of secret acts or data, as well as providing the conditions and means to commit murder.

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