He had been stalking his ex-wife for more than 2 years, the young man threatened to kill himself

Egzon Tahiri, a 29-year-old from Kosovo, and Linda from Albania, who were married to each other for 3 years, recently separated through legal proceedings. Linda tells the Piranha newspaper that she was mistreated by her ex-husband and this was the reason for their divorce. Linda has been creating her own family for 2 years, where a child has recently been born.
The young woman says that after Egzon found out that Linda got married, he started to systematically stalk her, contacting her on the phone with different numbers. She also says that because of his recent behavior, his new family has also been put in danger. Linda has told him several times that she is married, but Egzon insists that he does not believe her and tells her that all the photos he has seen are photomontages.
Linda says that Egzon had health problems, and as a result could not have children. But this new thing at the beginning of their acquaintance did not know. Despite this inability of Egzon to become a father, the real reason for the separation was completely different. Violence! Linda says that her ex-husband sends her a video as he is seen crying with sobs, apparently saying that he cannot live without her.
In fact, even if Linda believes that her ex-husband is serious, this cannot change the new reality in which she lives with her husband and their newborn baby. In a way, he has consumed the marriage in the worst possible way. When he saw that his ex-wife did not obey his pleas to return, Egzoni became angry and immediately started accusing Linda of cheating on him.
She says that there was no betrayal at any point, because she has made a lot of efforts just to keep the relationship alive. She just wants to be left alone by him. This is the most normal request that a mother of a child can have, with a peaceful and harmonious life, away from the three-year violence of her ex-husband. But now these balances have been violated.
The Piranha group traveled to the place where Egzon lived. At first he starts to be aggressive, saying that he would report the filming group and Linda for the report made to us. In a moment of calm he says that he did everything out of love for her, but even the moments of violence have occurred due to his psychological burdens. Through the Piranha group he talks to Linda on a video camera and finally convinces himself that Linda is married and has children.
/ The show "Piranhas"

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