WHO: Alcohol, a risk factor for breast and colorectal cancer

Even though cancer is the leading cause of alcohol-attributable deaths in the European Union, public awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer remains extremely low.
A WHO study conducted in 14 countries in the European Region revealed a large gap in public awareness. Only 15% of respondents knew that alcohol causes breast cancer and only 39% were aware of its link to colorectal cancer.
These types of cancer account for the highest percentage of breast cancer in women and colorectal cancer in men linked to alcohol in Europe.
Europe, of which Albania is a part, has the highest levels of alcohol consumption in the world, twice the global average. According to the WHO, alcohol causes about 800,000 deaths each year in the European Region.
Of concern, according to the WHO, is the fact that many countries in the region, including Albania, have not yet made significant progress in implementing policies to reduce alcohol harm.
Alcohol health warning labels are currently implemented in only 3 out of 27 EU countries and only 13 out of 53 European Region member states, leaving consumers unaware of the risks they face.

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