Public vs. private, how much did salaries increase for each sector? The average reaches about 77 thousand lek, the state "leads" the pace

According to salary statistics for the last quarter of 2024, we can say that the average gross monthly salary for a salaried employee in 2024 reached about 77 thousand lek. Compared to 2023, the annual increase is estimated at almost 10%.
This growth should be led by the state sector, which registers an average monthly salary of 92 thousand lek for 2024, with an increase of 12.4%. Meanwhile, on the other hand, the figures speak of around 71 thousand lek salary for the private sector, with an increase of 8.5%.
So, we see that in average terms the salary in this sector is significantly lower compared to the public sector, despite the incentive from the lack of labor, the gap continues to remain.
"Scan Intel" has taken into account the pace of salary growth in the two sectors to see how the changes have been over the span of almost 10 years. According to the figures, a significant increase in salaries in the state sector is noted, especially in the last two years, where in 2024 they increased by 12.4%, while in 2023 by 17%.
On the other hand, in 2022, the growth was significantly higher in the private sector. What is noticeable from the data is a fairly high difference between the salary increases between the two sectors in 2017, where the public sector prevails in the figures. This was mainly driven by the parliamentary elections, where the government in the first quarter approved a salary increase above inflation for the administration.
If we analyze the data by activity group, we see that the highest growth is recorded by "Public administration and defense; compulsory social security; education; health and social work activities"./ SCAN

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