Businessman Fatmir Bektashi as a bridge between Lali and the Doctor!

2025-02-10 21:54:57 / IDE NGA ERMAL PEçI

Businessman Fatmir Bektashi as a bridge between Lali and the Doctor!

2 months ago I was invited to A2 CNN by my colleague Denisa Pasholli to discuss political developments and what is happening with the sensational files in SPAK. When I was asked about Veliaj, I said that; Veliaj's fate passes through the doors of SPAK and that's what happened today.

At the request of SPAK, BKH agents read the measure of arrest with imprisonment for the "fig seller", who heads the Municipality of Tirana. One of the most sensational arrests in Albanian politics, which "shakes the foundations" of the SP when in fact, according to a significant part of analysts and political people, Veliaj was the shadow leader of the SP after Rama's departure.

In all this great noise that was created, SPAK came out and clarified the accusations to make known what Erion Veliaj was accused of and so that Albanians would understand that the wife of the "fig man" had spent 1 billion lek on online purchases and accessories.

In this entire coverage of the Veliaj dossier, construction businessmen were also involved, but not only that. Economically powerful people, who during their journey had connections with Meta and Berisha.

Fatmir Bektashi is one of the 5 businessmen who have been ordered to appear by SPAK. Bektashi is one of the names that has also appeared in the Partizani file, which is again being investigated by SPAK and includes Sali Berisha.

Until there is a final decision, each of these is presumed innocent, but the question that should be raised in public opinion is how is it possible that businessmen who worked with Berisha are now also working with Veliaj?

How is it possible that construction permits are obtained by people who have ties to Berisha and Meta?

Time will tell who sold the opposition for a few towers in the middle of Tirana, but what people see today is that Bektashi is the connecting bridge between Veliaj and Berisha.
While the connecting bridge between Berisha and Veliaj are the attacks they have started to make on SPAK. Veliaj has already started to attack his SPAK "colleagues" while Berisha promises to dismantle SPAK. In reality, apart from the connection they have through businessmen and the construction permits they share, they are also united by the fight against SPAK.


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