Why did everyone turn against SPAK?

2025-02-12 22:24:14 / IDE NGA FERDINAND DERVISHI

Why did everyone turn against SPAK?
In recent days, the introduction as the Democratic Party's campaign manager, in the May 11, 2025 elections, of a character who had run the campaign of American President Trump, and the arrest of the Mayor of Tirana, have undone some realities to create some new ones.

In the first minutes after the arrest of the Mayor of Tirana, initially some analysts close to the ruling Socialist Party, floated the idea of ​​SPAK aligning itself with the campaign of the DP leader, Sali Berisha, in the elections. Further, various analysts linked this action of SPAK with the effects of the attachment to the DP of the man who led Trump's campaign.

According to this logic, SPAK rushed to arrest Veliaj, thinking that Trump would now support the coming to power of the opposition "lynched" by them (the prosecutors) as well as by the Socialist Leader, who derived their power from their ties to the American billionaire, George Soros.

It was precisely these circumstances that seemed to derail him and gave the socialist leader a bad scare.

His attempts to get President Trump's attention, by offering himself, are not yielding any results. To make matters worse, Richard Grenell - his last friend in the Trump administration - was also removed from diplomacy to be appointed to a cultural and artistic post.

The efforts did not yield results even after Trump's son-in-law was declared a "strategic investor." They failed even though the field was legally cleared when Bajram Begaj signed the promised signature, which made him President, to remove the island of Sazan from the list of military properties.

They are failing even though an Israeli journalist is throwing around, every time the noise dies down, the idea of ​​sheltering 100,000 Palestinians from Gaza in Albania – an issue that would once again direct President Trump's attention towards Albania.

In this situation, for any light-minded person, the rebellion of the Socialist Leader with the Special Anti-Corruption Structure (SPAK), after the appearance, alongside Berisha, of the man who ran Trump's campaign and after the arrest of Veliaj, appears motivated.

But how valid is the version that Trump's people, together with SPAK, are becoming Berisha's crutch to propel him to power?

Firstly, this fear is contradicted by the fact that in Albania there has never been an election winner by order from above, but there have been election winners by popular vote, either partially stolen or bought.

Secondly, the date of filing the SPAK request in the GJKKO for Veliaj's arrest was made long before the appearance of the man who led Trump's campaign at the DP.

Së treti, të njëjtën frikë e relativizon të paktën një rast parakalues e domethënës. Një rast që thjesht lidhet me punën e një celule të motivuar të drejtësisë.

Në 9 shtator 2005, dy ditë para inaugurimit të qeverisë “Berisha”, Prokuroria e Krimeve të Rënda, arrestoi në Durrës, për kontrabandë, Leonard Kokën, vëllanë e Kryetarit të Bashkisë së Durrësit, të zgjedhur nga Partia Socialiste.

Lideri i PD-së do të nxitonte ta quante efekt politik, duke lënë të kuptohej se shfaqje të tilla, të shkaktuara nga ndryshimi i pushtetit, nuk do e detyronin për të ndryshuar opinionin, për shembull për Kryeprokurorin, të cilin sigurisht nuk do e mbështeste, etj.

Në fakt, arrestimi nuk kishte asnjë lidhje me fitoren e zgjedhjeve nga PD. Ai erdhi si rezultat logjik i hetimeve dhe për shkakun se, një ditë më parë, oficerët e policisë gjyqësore, kishin rënë dakord me një të arrestuar që ai të bëhej bashkëpunëtor i drejtësisë.

Pra, në këtë pikë mund të thuhet se frika e Liderit nuk vjen ngaqë SPAK po rreshtohet me Partinë Demokratike. Frika, nëse ka ndonjë lidhje me këtë pjesë, mund të vijë pjesërisht sepse Shtëpia e Bardhë nuk ka lëshuar asnjë sinjal, pavarësisht tundjes së flamujve të bardhë me hartën e Sazanit në mes, pavarësisht emetimit të lajmeve për strehimin e 100 mijë palestinezëve të Gazës.

Kështu që, halli i madh duket se fshihet diku tjetër. Halli është se nën drejtimin e Altin Dumanit, SPAK është vëtekorrigjuar me shpejtësi dhe nuk po tutet nga zhvillimet politike, qoftë në Shtetet e Bashkuara, qoftë në Shqipëri.

Fakt është se SPAK, me arrestimin e Erjon Veliajt, u ka mbyllur gojën edhe të gjithë kritikëve, të drejtë, të lëkundur apo të padrejtë. Me arrestimin e Veliajt, SPAK provoi se ka një bërthamë prokurorësh dhe gjyqtarësh me karakter dhe integritet, të cilët nuk kontrollohen nga Lideri socialist.

Pikërisht për këto arsye Lideri hodhi poshtë edhe atë cipën e hollë të vellos që u mundua të thurte për ta shitur SPAK-un si krijesë të Partisë Socialiste, pasi u kujdes që më parë (punë minutash) të përvetësonte meritën e SPAK për përmirësimin e perceptimit të antikorrupsionit për Shqipërinë nga Transparency International.

Kjo shpjegon lëshimin e gojës dhe hungërimat për “Republikën e Prokurorëve” , ndërsimin e deputetëve, ministrave, strukturave të kontrolluara të shtetit, militantëve dhe, nuk është çudi, ndërsimin e krimit të organizuar, me të cilin ka ndarë pushtetin që nga 2013.

Ndërseu Ministrin e Drejtësisë, Ulsin nga Dibra, i cili mund ti jetë mburrur për miqësi me Altin Dumanin, Ministrin e Financave, që të shantazhojë me pagat e prokurorëve dhe gjykatësve specialë. Shkundi dhe Inspektorin e Lartë të Drejtësisë - një personazh që u duk sikur e fitoi postin falë pozicionit pranë së majtës.

In fact, to fully motivate his followers, the Leader was the first to give a personal example of disobedience. He gave, through gritted teeth, the example that a leader should give: SPAK prosecutors should not dare to take the initiative to confiscate his cell phone.

The Leader's rants and insults against prosecutors and judges of anti-corruption structures materialized within a day with the siege that hundreds of Tirana Municipality employees made of the SPAK building and the Special Anti-Corruption Court. A siege that lasted from morning to evening, during the reassessment of the security measure for Erjon Veliaj.

A disgusting scene, which will burden the history of justice in Albania also due to the fact that the police structures, which always act after unauthorized gatherings and protests, were not present there.

But karma is when..., because history has just set another record. The record of a leader who once, on January 21, 2011, launched a legalized protest against Sali Berisha's government because of 700 thousand euros in Ilir Meta's bloc, and who now, after having made a full circle around the rainbow and apparently eaten the whole thing, has returned to make an anti-revolution for the 700 thousand euros that Erjon Veliaj's wife spent on buying dresses.

So, all these reasons, these movements on the verge of madness, certainly cannot be motivated by fear of the appearance of the American from the Trump campaign near the DP.

They were motivated by the fear caused by the arrest of Erjon Veliaj, the fear that SPAK, due to corruption, is slowly, one by one and in groups, swallowing up all the soldiers, even those whom the Leader says are eating pears behind their backs, and even those whom he lists as not eating.

For these reasons, today, February 12, 2025, will also be remembered as the day of the declaration of total war against SPAK, of the alignment of the Socialist Leader with Sali Berisha, Ilir Meta, and all the scum they have themselves bred.

The only difference is that the Socialist Leader launched the attacks before SPAK could reach any other close associates, or his phone.

So, in the ring, where manhood is measured, time has just decided, on one side, the old politics with its organized corruption, and on the other, SPAK, as well as that part of society that supports it and expects much from it.

Time will pass and victory will belong to one side.


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