Do the body's cells regenerate every seven years?

Cell regeneration is a delicate and silent process that takes place in the body.
The condition of the cells and their regenerative rhythm is an indicator of the body's true age.
Much of the data circulating highlights the idea that cell regeneration occurs once every seven years.
The idea that cells regenerate sounds very promising, but is it true?
But according to AgroWeb.org data, complete cell regeneration once every seven years is an urban legend.
What Happens to Cells During Life?
Cells are constantly dividing, regenerating, and dying. Each cell has a different life cycle.
The cells in the inner layer of the stomach are replaced every five days because they are exposed to acidity.
Red blood cells live for at least four months in the body and are renewed, while lung cells are renewed after five months.
According to data researched by AgroWeb.org, no cell is irreplaceable.
However, some cells need at least seven years to regenerate.
Bone cells are replaced every 10 years. Cells in the digestive tract last a full 15 years.
On the other hand, there are cells that are never destroyed, such as those in teeth.
Studies confirm that a person who lives to be 75 years old cannot replace even half of the heart cells that were present at birth.
Scientists have confirmed that some areas of the brain can be replaced, while other neurons remain the same from birth.
The human body contains about 10 trillion individual cells.
Considering that many of them regenerate and some do not, an adult's body cells are on average about 11-15 years old.
One of the decisive factors in cell regeneration is undoubtedly age.
In the elderly, regeneration occurs more slowly than in adults.
Since many important cells such as those in the bones, heart, and brain do not regenerate, AgroWeb.org recommends that you treat them with care.
* This information is intended to supplement, not replace, advice from your physician or healthcare provider and is not intended to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or adverse effects. This information may not be appropriate for your specific health circumstances./ Agroweb.org
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