AlfaPena/ Poem by Ilirian Zhupa: THE MAN CAME OUT OF THE FIRE...

AlfaPena is a literary column on Alfapress.al , and aims to promote good Albanian literature from every poet and writer.
Poetry : THE MAN CAME OUT OF THE FIRE - By Ilirian Zhupa
The man has come out of the fire, in the middle of a dark night, where horrors are painted,
And he has felt alone, in this glass world, leaving signs of fire around.
Those signs of fire, have become other beings through cries, mysteries,
And they play with what they have Father.
Then the flame came out of the man, became a shocking beauty, became a woman,
Passed through him playful, fragile and left him waiting like a child.
This has probably happened to many, but first, it happened to me,
When you appeared!
Then I said to myself: -What should I do with your beauty, with your enchanting eyes,
What should I do with my blazing fire, which is You and burns me mercilessly.
I called the black devils to come to me with evil, but you were not afraid of evil,
I called the angels, to take you with good.
You have already been silent. But your silence has spoken: - In vain do you call for fear, for reconciliation.
The man came out of the fire. The fire came out of the man. But the flame is always a woman...
Thus, in the steppe of the night, we light the fire that awakens and adorns itself in the flame
It burns our being./ Alfapress.al
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