Berisha is determined to dissolve SPAK, Kryemadhi comes out to his side: A tool for blackmail and lynching

Freedom Party MP, Monika Kryemadhi, came out today in support of DP leader, Sali Berisha, who, after appearing at SPAK, stated that this structure should not exist after May 11.
In a statement to the media after leaving the Special Prosecution Office, Kryemadhi accused SPAK of having become a tool of blackmail and political lynching.
"If I say now that SPAK should be dissolved, they will say that I am saying it for my own problems. But every legal instrument, for which we voted with the aim of equal justice, when it turns into a tool of blackmail and lynching, has failed its mission ," said Kryemadhi.
After leaving the SPAK premises, Sali Berisha declared today that he had delivered a letter to the judicial police officer, Altin Lala, expressing his position on the process and the political situation in the country.
" At the end of the presentation, I left the following letter to Altin Lala: To the head of this criminal organization, Altin Dumani, who implements the policy of Albania without opposition, of the monster George Soros and his puppet in Tirana. But this policy failed in the US and will have the same fate in Albania.
"Signed, Sali Berisha " - Berisha declared to journalists.
The former Prime Minister described SPAK's action as part of a political war against the opposition, emphasizing that his position remains unwavering.

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