Interview/ Berisha for La Stampa: Now that a tramp has come to me, I will defeat Rama!

Sali Berisha's interview for LA STAMPA:
Mr. Berisha, Prime Minister Meloni wants to transform the Albanian immigrant centers into CPR, she could use a modification of the agreement. If you win the elections, are you ready?
'No. We will not change anything in this contract, but we will respect it. We opposed the migrant centers in Albania, for humanitarian reasons we appealed. The Albanian Constitutional Court has declared that they are in accordance with the laws, so if we come to power we will not change any comma and we will respect the agreement. Meloni also achieved that migrants can also be monitored by the UN. Italy is a friendly country, the center-right 'Forza Italia' has always been an ally, we also have relations with the 'Fratelli d'Italia' and Salvini. However, what is certain is that after 5 years, the contract with Italy will not be renewed.'
But what does Rama really think about the immigrant centers, given the failures they have had so far? Have you been able to understand?
I have heard contradictory rumors, in many versions. I do not know if there is any change of mind with Meloni. Rama is capable of anything, to have or buy influence, he is a man without principles, a real godfather. But I will tell you that the centers of Shëngjin and Gjader are not a debate of the electoral campaign.
You are making very strong statements about Rama, do you understand that?
I might add even worse, Edi Rama's Albania is a real narco-state in the heart of Europe and we will do everything to get rid of this narco-dictatorship of an El Chapo type in the office of a prime minister. In this context, I think we will win, even though he has already started to cheat.
Your affirmations are meant to denounce...
We know very well that the unlimited money that Rama has at his disposal comes from dark underground channels. He issues building permits and contractors pay huge sums. Corruption is national and transnational, this is the Albanian reality. A scandal has just erupted with the arrest of his trusted man, Erion Veliaj, the mayor of Tirana.
The man who changed the face of the capital, making it young and colorful, after communism? Veliaj was friends with many politicians and administrators of the European ministry.
He has just been arrested for corruption, money laundering and forced declaration of assets. The veil of protection was torn after the opposition protested for 44 weeks in front of the Tirana City Hall against this uncontrolled man. It is said that Rama sacrificed him to save his brother.
Let's get back to the electoral campaign and Albania's alliances in the world. Is it true that the Republican Trumpian, Chris LaCivita, has become your strategist?
Of course, he flew to Albania and we are organizing. He came to help me dismantle this garden of George Soros, the promoter of policies that divide society such as those that defend that there are not only two genders, man and woman. Soros is the 'chief corruptor', he bought politicians around the world with the weapon of left-wing extremism, Rama is his puppet and that of his son Aleks, who every two or three weeks spends a few days in my country for very dark reasons.

Magnificent Albania or Bazaar Albania!

Albanians must overcome the old Rama-Berisha polarization on May 11
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