Karamuço: Many politicians who appeared on Sky Ecc will be burned!

Criminal expert Ervin Karamuço and journalist Julian Kasapi stated that many politicians whose names are in the Sky Ecc wiretap files "will burn."
Invited to the show "Top Story", Ervin Karamuço said that the Sky Ecc application files and later Matrix will "burn many politicians and former politicians". Meanwhile, Kasapi said that SPAK works closely with two Europol officers and "there are concrete names on their list of politicians whose time will come to be arrested".
Ervin Karamuço: We expect SPAK to vet politicians again. Meanwhile, SPAK has given signals that it is investigating specific individuals. And with the preliminary information flows that are coming to us today, it appears that some of these names are again on the list. This is a legal obligation that both the left and the right must do, so that tomorrow they are not faced with a fact that they knew, that the person who takes the mandate starts SPAK again and asks for the removal of the mandate. Because this is then a cycle where you no longer call these deputies part of the political leadership, but use them as a shield so that you can then say, this is how they attack me.
We cannot produce new MPs for "alibi", which is how they did it to me while you knew it. The party has its own very strong filter, embassies and organizations have provided endless funds to strengthen the pre-filters of political parties. SPAK will burn dozens of politicians who appeared on Sky Ecc and later on Matrix.
Julian Kasapi : From the investigations of internationals that have been conducted and discovered mainly from the SKY ECC application, mainly from French authorities but also from Belgian and Dutch ones, it turns out that the most spoken language after English is Albanian. There are two Europol officers who work closely with SPAK and you must understand that sometimes SPAK has a difficult time with the state police, since it is part of the government even though it is said that the state police is independent. That is why we see SPAK incursions into the police or BKH because these institutions never report legal violations of their own institutions. The fact that Albanian is the second most used language on Sky ECC, you must understand that there are not only revelations about murders or international drug networks, but you will see as we have seen with a former MP, you will see many other former MPs or former ministers and other former people whose names will appear in these files, SPAK has apparently decided not to release all these names immediately, but that the time will come for all those people who have spoken in these files to be arrested. / Top Channel

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