Partner shot her in the head, 44-year-old's colleague speaks out: She has shown no problems

The colleague of 44-year-old Anila Prendushi, who was seriously injured with a bullet to the head by her cohabitant, Trëndelina Boriçi, spoke today about the serious incident. She said that for years Anila had been working at a center for women who had fallen prey to male violence.
Borici says that throughout the entire time, the 44-year-old has not shown any problems, and has even worked the night shift helping women, victims of male violence.
"The event is shocking for every citizen, even more so for the people who have collaborated with her and have had knowledge of her contribution in the field. The organization 'Guraja te grjuća' for abused girls and women, where they are sheltered to overcome a situation of violence until they are provided with a protection order and to be addressed in other shelters in cooperation with local institutions.
Anila was a member of this group, an employee of the emergency shelter helping women escaping violence.
Communication with her has been more about work. Two days ago she was on shift but has not shown any problems. We were shocked when we heard about the incident. There was no hesitation even for the night shift. The violence continues and I regret to say it was Anila's turn. We ask the question how is it possible that a woman who is emotionally prepared can be faced with such a case.
"I believe that a woman, regardless of her profession or strength, remains under the mentality and pressure of society and self-censorship. Maybe she could have had problems and had the opportunity to report them, but maybe being a woman implies the hope of change and regret for not reporting her partner, maybe even because of shame," said Boriçi.

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