"You took the women of Lushnja for parties, tell us where you find the money?" - Korreshi ironically in the Assembly: The city comes like the wind blowing on the weeded field! Pesticides, a national emergency

Democratic Party MP, Saimir Korreshi, denounced a difficult situation in the city of Lushnja during his speech at today's plenary session in the Parliament.
He emphasized that Lushnja has experienced a difficult period over the last 10 days, where a heavy odor has spread from olive groves, which, according to him, has made normal living impossible for citizens.
"I send you greetings from Lushnja, which has been smelling like olive oil for so many days, the last 10 days, over 4 years. The people of Lushnja were terrified, there is no chance for anyone to go out for a coffee," he said, while not deigning to use another comparison for this situation, saying "it smells like a fart that has been plowed."
Another concern Korreshi raised was the use of illegal pesticides, which are harming food security and the health of citizens. He called this a national emergency and demanded that the government take measures to solve this problem.
"And a concern for Lushnja and for all of Albania, 35 illegal pesticides where the food security of those we eat has been severely violated. These are not brought by farmers, they are bought from those licensed by this government and who enter these customs. These pesticides that are eating us and that have caused us cancer as if they were viruses, flu. This is a national emergency and that you must solve. Remove the stench from Lushnja because you have drowned it", he said.
The Democrat has not spared any irony with the socialists, asking them where they find the money for the rights and dinners they host with the women of Lushnja.
"Now tell us the formula that you came, you were released, you took all the women of Lushnja and you took them out for lunches and dinners, and you are dancing. Now tell us where you get the money to have all these parties, because we died, we are not able to take the women out to the Bazaar, to give them black coffee ," he said.
Korreshi: Good evening Albanians, because there are not even a handful of deputies and colleagues here, I send you greetings from Lushnja, which has been smelling like olive oil for so many days, the last 10 days, over 4 years. The people of Lushnja were terrified, there is no chance for anyone to go out for a coffee. Excuse me, Speaker, for using a little loose language, it is coming like the smell of a fart that has been plowed.
When you have no respect for the Lushnja people, my word in Parliament will be spoiled. There is no way, every time Taulant came, they said, Taulant has it, now Belinda has it, this other Minister of the Environment has it. Is there anyone who can come and verify it, to stay there for half an hour. These people are so strong, the city is being poisoned. So are the canals. Tomorrow I will go there with my delegation, and the canal reeds are burning. Here I have the Municipality's budget, 200 million or 2 billion old. 1 billion is just for salaries. With 70 million lek, all the canals of Lushnja are cleaned. Damn! I go to the drainage board, they said it's not mine here, they said it's in Barbullima, the municipality has it. The municipality has reeds sprouting in every canal. Take that out for the deputies too. 1 billion goes for patronage salaries, 50% of the budget. 25% for operational services and 25% for investments.
Now tell us the formula that you came, you were released, you took all the women of Lushnja and you took them out for lunches and dinners, and you're dancing. Now tell us where you get the money to have all these parties, because we died, we can't take the women out to the Bazaar, to give them black coffee.
And a concern for Lushnja and for all of Albania, 35 illegal pesticides where the food security of those we eat has been severely violated. These are not brought by farmers, they are bought from those licensed by this government and which enter these customs. These pesticides that are eating us and that have caused us cancer as if they were viruses, flu. This is a national emergency and that you must solve. Remove the stench from Lushnja because you have drowned it.

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