Red and Black Fans Left Without Tickets by the Albanian Football Association: They're Making a Serious Mistake

2025-03-17 12:51:40 / SPORT ALFA PRESS
Red and Black Fans Left Without Tickets by the Albanian Football Association:

Red and Black fans have reacted to the Albanian Football Association (AFSH) through social media ahead of the Albania - England match to be held on March 21, after their ticket requests were not approved.

They emphasize that they are the only ones who supported the national team in the most difficult days, when there were no modern conditions and stadiums, and that now, in 2025, when Albania has qualified for the European Championship twice, they are left out of the opportunity to secure tickets.

According to the Red and Black Fans, the Albanian Football Federation (FSHF) has penalized them by not offering pre-booked tickets to fan groups. This decision was perceived as retaliation for the objections that the Red and Black Fans expressed to the organization of the joint championship with Serbia and before the match against this rival in the World Cup qualifiers.

They also criticize the high ticket prices and calls for membership in the AFF fan club, calling this an attempt to isolate them and take advantage of those who are more willing to pay for the opportunity to have a "guaranteed" ticket.

"Like never before in these 21 years of Red and Black Fans' activities, we have been left without tickets for the National Team matches!"

In these 21 years, TKZ was often the only people standing on the stadium steps, when there were no conditions, when there were no results, where there was no stadium, where there were no fans, because at that time supporting the National Team was considered foolish.

If the national football team has had a reason not to feel inferior even when defeat was inevitable, it is because the Red and Black Fans have always been there. Coaches, players and stadiums have changed, while the only ones who have been permanent with the national team have been the Red and Black Fans.

Now in 2025, when we have qualified for the European Championship twice, and when the national team has started to reap results, thus increasing the demand for tickets, we have been penalized by the Albanian Football Federation.

Through an email we received, after several insistences, from AFF officials we were informed that there will be no pre-reserved tickets as has happened in these 21 years, with the justification that they want inclusion and opportunities even for those who are not part of fan groups.

This reasoning, besides not being valid, is not even honest and moreover is typical revenge on the part of the Albanian Football Association, for our objections to organizing a joint championship with Serbia and when it is known that we also have the latter in the group, in the World Cup qualifiers.

So, with its inclusiveness, the AFF did not think when it released tickets at exorbitant prices that exceed the price of tickets for the EURO 2024 finals. Ironically, it did not think with inclusiveness either when it called for membership in the fan club, an organization of the AFF, which came up with an offer for "guaranteed tickets" for members of this club. It did not even think about the standard of the average Albanian, but used the phrase "inclusiveness" to attack and take revenge on the TKZ that does not submit, does not obey, this because our stand is SOLD OUT, while the other stands are still empty.

The AFF is making the same mistakes, and thinks it will have a different result, but it is seriously mistaken.

The stadium and support for the national team TKZ, no one can stop, not even the AFF. WE will be present there, we will be at Wembley, we will be everywhere to give our opinion, to express our dissatisfaction. Our reactions will not stop, they will only intensify and anyone who is lied to the contrary will regretfully but be badly disappointed. Oh, how good it would be to be Albanian! ", concludes the post of the Red and Black Fans.

Happening now...