Footage published/ The moment when Safet Bajri leaves after the murder of Fatbardh Lici! SPAK has used it as the main evidence

2025-03-18 21:02:58 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

Footage published/ The moment when Safet Bajri leaves after the murder of

In the show in Shënjestër on News24, footage was published when Safet Bajri leaves after the murder of Fatbardh Lici in 2018 Shkodra.

Journalist Klodiana Lala stated that these are the images that SPAK has used as evidence in the process against Safet Bajri, Astmer Bilali and Behar Bajri. These are the main evidence against the 3 people suspected of the murder of Fatbardh Lici.

The prosecution has identified them as persons 1 and 2 and they were identified by dozens of security cameras, from after the crime was committed until the vehicle used in the murder was found burned.

Footage published/ The moment when Safet Bajri leaves after the murder of

A white car was used in the murder by Safet Bajri's partner, who was arrested for supporting the perpetrator and providing the conditions to commit the murder.


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