"Goodbye Gesture"/ Egli moves to the red sofa in Tuesday's 'prime' spectacle

In Tuesday's show in the fourth edition of Big Brother VIP Albania, Egli Tako has moved to the red sofa, marking a new and important moment for her, after her return to the Big Brother house.
During the time Egli was in a relationship with Gjesti, she was part of the group that stood on the blue sofa, always sitting next to him and identifying with this part of the famous bed.
After her return home, after a period of rest from the format, Egli has made a noticeable change in her behavior towards Gjesti.
In the latest show, she moved to the red sofa, a place where she and other guests sit to discuss events happening in the house.
This change came after hearing Gjesti's statements from abroad, where he said he has no feelings for Egli, a fact that has led her to have a strong stance towards him.
It seems that the relationship between them has taken a turn, creating a tense atmosphere during this episode.
Egli, expressing herself firmly and clearly in her stance, has shown that she will not allow herself to be manipulated or misused by any situation related to the Gesti.

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