12-year-old brutally raped at school, parents not informed by teacher

Another case of bullying and violence is reported at the 9-year-old school "Kosova" in the center of Tirana. The mother of a 12-year-old boy says that for years her son has been bullied by his peers.
The most recent episode occurred on February 28, but the mother was unaware because the 12-year-old hid the violence for fear of it happening again. It was the parent of another child who alerted the mother, telling her that his son had been raped by 4-5 children with insults, kicks, and punches.
"I am the mother of a 12-year-old who studies at the 'Kosova' school. The case of bullying of our child began several years ago in elementary school and continues today, when they are in the seventh grade. On February 28, a very serious case of violence occurred. Someone pushed him, then kicked and punched him. It was a Friday, 5 minutes with bread in hand, and no one reacted. The boy did not tell because it was a repeated case, he was afraid of the crowd and the boy was closed. He comes home and complains about his arm, I ask him if anything had happened at school, 'he said no'. And he insisted on going to get an X-ray, while he never agrees to go to the doctor.
I didn't pay much attention to it. On Monday, a parent reported this violence that their child had shown them at school and no one informed me. A questionnaire was randomly made and the deputy principal randomly asked my child and said 'did you get caught', 'yes' she said 'because you mentioned your father's name', but she didn't tell her what violence he had suffered. On Tuesday, I was at work and the parent called me and said 'I reported it and nothing was done, did someone inform you, I said no. We didn't know anything, at that moment I started communicating with the boy about what had happened and then he started talking. He told me, the situation was more alarming, more serious. One had pushed him, then others had kicked and punched him. He had put his hand up to defend himself, he was holding his stomach and head with his hand. "I cried and couldn't get up, couldn't get the bread out of the square," says the 12-year-old's mother.
The woman says she took her son to the doctor and it turned out he had a broken forearm. Since the school didn't tell her anything, she called the police and the situation escalated.
“Kishte dhimbje tek parakrahu fëmija. E çuam tek Spitali i Traumës, mjeku na tha që nuk ka thyerje, por e ka dhimbje nga shembja. Na dha për ta lidhur me një fashë e një tip xheli. Kontaktova me mësuesen, por asnjë përgjigje. E raportova si rast, dyshoj për këtë gjë dhe dua që policia të jetë në dijeni. Në momentin që policia i ka kontaktuar, atëherë na shkruan mësuesja kujdestare që kemi shkuar në Komisionin e Etikës. Në të vërtetë nuk po mbahej i njëjti qëndrim, ishte një provokim. Ishte e kotë dhe ato me një lloj skenari e mbyllën mbledhjen. Shkolla nuk ka mbajtur asnjë lloj qëndrimi për atë që kishte ndodhur, por problemi ishim ne që kishim shkuar në polici”, tregon më tej denoncuesja.
Dhunën sistematike e tregon dhe vetë 12-vjeçari.
“Të premten unë sapo hapa bukën, sepse kisha uri, shkova të hidhja letrën në kosh. Diarti fillon e shtyn, më pas mblidhen disa veta e fillojnë më godasin me shkelma e grushte. Pastaj shkove në bankën time, më erdhi për të qarë. Më dëmtuan krahun, më çoi dhe mami në Spitalin e Traumës. Nuk u ankova, po ishte më shumë ai stresi sepse ata janë shumë veta, 4-5 veta dhe po të dal vetëm unë duket sikur gënjej. Ose kam atë stresin që dukem si spiun, kanë filluar që në klasë të 2-të kur erdha, por ishte më e pakët, pastaj filluan nga klasa e 4 sikur u qetësuan pak marrëdhëniet, kurse nga e 5-6 dhe tani e 7 ka qenë më keq. U kam treguar prindërve, por jo të gjitha. Për këtë rast nuk e kam takuar psikologen, sepse nuk është se reagojnë, i mbyllin në çast. I kam thënë vetëm një herë, që ishte ai rasti që janë ankuar edhe prindërit, por thashë edhe më parë që ata janë grupe, e duket sikur unë jam gënjeshtar. Kam frikë se mos kam edhe pasoja. Kërkoj që të jem i mbrojtur nga shkolla. Të kaloj mirë, të vij për të mësuar, jo për të duruar këta tipat që u duket vetja gango”, rrëfeu për mikrofonin e emisionit “Stop” 12-vjeçari.
Mamaja e 12-vjeçarit kërkon llogari te mësuesja kujdestare dhe tek oficerja e sigurisë, që nuk e kanë njoftuar, por të dyja ato justifikohen që nuk e dinin edhe pse mesazhi i prindit tjetër e kishte sinjalizuar situatën.
Prindi: Pse nuk më thatë, që djali ishte i dhunuar, ju si mësuese kujdestare?
Mësuese Katerina Gjikoka: Pse s’ju thashë unë?
Prindi: Po pse s’më keni njoftuar?
Mësuesja Katerina Gjikoka: Në sajë të indicies së fundit, që unë u informova si mësuese kujdestare, situatën e kam paraqitur brenda gjitha institucioneve, brenda shkollës.
Prindi: Nuk e quajte të nevojshme, të më njoftoje mua?
Mësuese Katerina Gjikoka: Në sajë të bisedës, që ne bëmë me djalin…
Prindi: Po ai mohoi dhunën dhe ti u mjaftove, nuk e çove direkt, hajde shpejt, se është alarmante dhe ta çoje tek psikologia?
Mësuese Katerina Gjikoka: Ne u ndalëm, sepse indicia ishte, që kishte vetëm lakim të prindit, kaq!
Parent: Did you get the message that he was brutally beaten? I got the message, you got the message, and the principal got the message!
Teacher Katerina Gjikoka: Absolutely, I don't deny the message! We have spoken, we have gathered all the instances, to continue the situation...
Parent: Isn't that enough to let me know?
Teacher Katerina Gjikoka: To find out what really happened! From the meeting that took place, we called the parents!
Parent: The parents were called to the police! Don't tell me the parents were called! They weren't called! The parents were called to the police! And the only problem, when I asked where Katerina was, where the security officer was, they told me: where you took them, to the police! To the police, there's no reason to feel sorry for you! As long as you get paid, you are responsible for my children, within these walls! Why didn't you let me know? You got a message saying group chat!
Officer Blunilda Xhakani: Why didn't this parent come to inform us, please, but instead he sends messages?
Parent: But the parents are not available, come.
Officer Brunilda Xhakani: So that I can prove whether the child has lied to the parent or not, that the parent can watch Turkish soap operas even for text messages!
Parent: She said she would beat him, the boy refused and you didn't report him! What did the psychologist say when he hid the violence? Hide the violence Nathan, you didn't report the violence!
Teacher Katerina Gjikoka: If we go out, what happened and the situation with your husband...
Parent: With my husband… he has lost his temper, and you are responsible, that we cannot control ourselves! I wrote to the teacher in charge and the principal in shock and neither of them said a word. I am sorry that this happened, we will take measures, but you did not inform me when this happened, and even worse, when the child hid the violence. / tvklan

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