"Telenovela" in Tirana/ Young mother in secret relationship, how she lied to her boyfriend that she was single! The husband reveals the betrayal

2025-02-06 21:11:43 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

"Telenovela" in Tirana/ Young mother in secret relationship, how she
A recourse filed by a 26-year-old man from Rrëshen, who ended up in prison on charges of stalking and domestic violence, has arrived at the doors of the Supreme Court.

The latter was arrested and then the Court left him in prison, after a complaint was filed against him by his girlfriend, with whom he had been having an affair for several months.

But his story is more or less like that of soap operas...

It all started in June 2024, when the young man with the initials IB met a girl with the initials MH on social media.

The latter, married for three years and with a minor child, a fact she had not told him. They had been in an extramarital affair for 5 months, but no one was aware of it.

From the beginning of the relationship, IB began to deprive her by prohibiting her from many things and set up a GPS for her to keep with him, telling her that he was doing this to protect her. She also tried several times to leave him and break off any relationship, but the 26-year-old is suspected of pressuring her by threatening to kill her family, her and then kill himself.

She expressed her doubt that he could really do this after he had shown her that he carried a pistol and iron gloves. According to her testimony, he would go down to the building where she lived in Tirana every afternoon and ask her to go out with him.

She further stated that she did not tell him that she was married and had a child after lying to him that the girl was her niece. In her testimony, she stated that the situation was very tense and that she felt very scared because she had been raped by him many times, a statement for which she also has photographs stored on her phone.

But the case when she reported him was recorded in October, when she left the house early in the morning with her husband and child, and they took a taxi from Tirana to another city where her parents were.

But on the way, the 26-year-old man was signaling the taxi she was riding in with his lights, asking it to stop. After they stopped, he opened the taxi door and asked her to get out of the car, also getting into a conflict with her husband, as the latter asked him who he was.

After this episode and the physical fight, he left, saying he would wait for them in the city they were headed to, while along the way, the couple stopped in another city and filed a complaint.

The police then handcuffed the young man, while they also seized a tool that appeared to be a weapon, but he said it was a toy and belonged to his nephew.

Gjithashtu, në cilësinë e provës është sekuestruar edhe një kartëvizitë, ku pas saj është shkruar me shkrim dore: “Një dhurate për qoften, nga …. Qofte të falënderoj që ke hyrë në jetën time dhe qe je bërë pjesë e brendshme e saj. Gëzuar ditëlindjen zemër”.

Në seancën gjyqësore, i hetuari ka deklaruar se rasti është i sajuar dhe se ai ka qenë viktimë e mashtrimeve të kallëzueses.

Ai rrëfen një version krejtësisht tjetër nga ai i të resë….

Pala mbrojtëse e të akuzuarit, kanë deklaruar: Ngjarja e treguar nga zonja është pjesërisht e vërtetë! Ashtu siç ajo ka deklaruar, I.  dhe M. janë njohur në rrjetet sociale më datë 27 prill. M. i është prezantuar si beqare dhe me moshë 23 vjeçe. Pasi kanë komunikuar në rrjetet sociale, të dy kanë rënë dakord të bënin një hap më tej në raportin e tyre dhe të takoheshin. Më datë 19 maj, në telefonin e I. vjen një SMS nga telefoni i M., por pretendohej se ishte motra e saj, ku thuhej se M. Ka tentuar të vrasë veten pasi dikush e kishte përdhunuar dhe gjendja e saj ishte tejet e rënduar psikologjikisht.

Marrëdhënia vazhdoi, por pa u takuar, M. i tregonte për gjendjen e saj dhe shenjave që i kish lënë përdhunimi. Më datë 10 qershor janë takuar për herë të parë dhe më datë 15 qershor janë takuar sërish dhe kanë kaluar në intimitet. Më datë 29 qershor, M. i deklaron I. se është shtatzënë me fëmijën e tij. Mi. këtë deklaratë shtatzënie ia provon edhe me foton e një testi shtatzënie

E gjithë familja e I. ishte njohur me M., dhe kërkonin që të njihnin familjen e saj, por ajo u kishte thënë se mamaja e saj ishte jashtë vendit pasi kishte probleme shëndetësore. Gjatë kësaj periudhe, u bë e mundur vetëm komunikimi me SMS me “vëllain”.

dhe “babain” e M. Vëllai i M. i shkruan I. dhe i tregon se ajo nuk është motra e tij biologjike, por e kanë birësuar pasi nëna e saj kishte ndërruar jetë në një aksident automobilistik.

E gjithë familja e I. dhe vetë ai po gëzonin që së shpejti do të vinte në jetë një bebe dhe kryenin rregullisht vizitat dhe konsultat e M. tek mjeku, të cilat gjithmonë i bënte vetëm.

Marrëdhënia e I. dhe M. ishte shumë e mirë, ata takoheshin çdo ditë poshtë shtëpisë së saj dhe madje M. gati gjithmonë kishte me vete edhe një vajzë të vogël, të cilën e kishte prezantuar si mbesën e saj, pasi sipas saj, ishte e detyruar ta mbante, pasi vëllai i saj dhe kunata ishin duke qëndruar pranë mamasë së sëmurë.

Motra e I. shpesh mbante vajzën e vogël për t’i ardhur në ndihmë M..

Shtatzënia e supozuar po shkonte mirë, por papritmas del në skenë “babai” i M., me anë të një SMS-je që ia dërgon I. dhe i shpjegon se M. nuk mund ta mbante shtatzëninë, pasi si pasojë e tentativës për vetëvrasje kishte pësuar dëme të rënda shëndetësore dhe duhej ndërprerë shtatzënia, pasi i rrezikohej jeta e saj. I. tronditet, por për të shpëtuar “M.”, ai i kërkon asaj që të ndërpresë shtatzëninë. Në momentet e para ajo heziton, por me këmbënguljen e I. dhe “babait” të saj, ajo bindet.

The parties agree that the pregnancy would be terminated (all this was a deception on M.'s part), but this intervention had to be done in another city, not in Tirana. (All this is proven through text messages on I.'s phone).

On 12.10.2024, M. would be accompanied by her uncle and cousin to the city to have the pregnancy terminated.

I., deeply hurt by the loss of the baby he was eagerly awaiting, thinks about M. and plans to surprise her the moment she leaves the hospital and meet him in the city where he will have the procedure.

He travels at night and heads towards the city. M. tells him that he was traveling with his uncle, cousin, and young niece. On the way, I. notices that something is wrong.

After the misfortunes that M. had told him about and to come to his aid and protect him, he follows the car, fearing what was happening, since she was not in the car she had declared, but in another vehicle. This raises suspicions in I.

He signals the car to open its door to understand what was happening. After the cars stop, I. approaches and asks M. who she was with and why she was not in the car her father had said. She tells him that she was with her niece and cousin. Meanwhile, the boy who was accompanying M. gets out and he asks who this was, referring to I.. He replies that it was the father of the child M. was carrying. At this moment M. intervenes, who tells him: “Let’s go, let’s get in the car, because he’s drunk and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” I. drives away in his car, with his own suspicions; but from a distance he sees that the boy who was accompanying him rapes M. and forces her into the car. After they set off, his conviction that M.. was being threatened by danger increases and he signals again for the car to stop. The car stops again and I. goes to open the passenger door, where M.'s "cousin" was sitting. According to him, he asks who he was and why he was raping M.. He says: "Let me tell you who I am, do you have directions to (city name)!" There they have a conflict with the gentleman and leave.

From the beginning, this love story is built on lies on M.'s part and a pure feeling on the part of I. and his family, who took her into the house and loved and respected her as the daughter-in-law of the house, Mrs. M..

Throughout this period, I. has tried to protect her from the dangers she falsely claimed threatened them. I. and his family have tried, to the best of their ability, to meet M.'s economic needs, covering all expenses and follow-ups at medical clinics for the alleged pregnancy.

But the Court did not consider his version credible./ Source: Top Channel


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