Fasting for 3 days, how it regenerates the body and cells! The tips you need

Restricting food for even three days can regenerate the entire human immune system.
This is according to a study by the University of Southern California, which states that this is the most natural way to boost immunity.
Experts have long criticized drastic diets that promote food restriction, describing it as unhealthy.
But this new study says that if the body is not supplied with food, then stem cells begin to produce new white blood cells.
These beads are the best infection fighters.
American experts believe that this discovery is especially important for patients suffering from tumors or undergoing chemotherapy.
The latter have a seriously impaired immunity.
Weakening of immunity with age
As we age, our immune system weakens and has a harder time fighting off disease.
According to information, restricting food for 72 hours can get immunity back on track.
There are drastic restrictions where only light liquids are drunk for three days, but also lighter restrictions such as halving food intake for these three days.
The choice is made depending on the health condition and the doctor's advice,
Food restriction turns on the regeneration engines and paves the way for the formation of new white blood cells.
During these 72 hours, the body, according to experts, eliminates damaged, outdated, and inefficient parts of the immune system.
The immune system is completely new while enzymes that increase the risk of aging decrease in number.
Food restriction forces the body to use glucose and fat stores and constitutes a new beginning for the organism.
The study in question is based on numerous experiments, however, it must be accompanied by further clinical studies.
Food restriction should not be done on a whim or without the recommendation of a medical professional.
According to experts, mimicking the fasting style is a safer and easier approach to endure and overcome by all those on a diet.
A good way is to eat nuts when you feel hungry.
But don't overdo it, you shouldn't consume more than 6 nuts a day.
Scientists will conduct a larger study, motivated by the finding that people who suffer from the risk of diseases related to or caused by obesity, benefited more from this specific type of diet. /AgroWeb.org
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