What should you consume? The most necessary nutrients during fasting

Every year, believers fast from dawn to sunset for 29 or 30 days, a ritual of devotion to God.
In these unprecedented times, experts say that people who fast should keep several important aspects in mind.
In an article about Ramadan during the pandemic, the BBC interviewed expert Jenna Macchiochi from the University of Sussex, who said that the body needs a lot of energy to fight infections.
As a result, long periods of abstinence from eating and drinking can weaken the immune system.
This is why, during the hours that religion permits food and drink, every fasting person must be careful about the nutrients they consume.
The Most Necessary Nutrients During Fasting
Experts say that people who fast should make sure they get as much of:
Macronutrients which are carbohydrates, proteins and fats
Micronutrients such as vitamin C and iron.
The best way to get these nutrients is to consume a variety of foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, greens, grains, and herbs.
During fasting, the risk of dehydration is very present, so during permitted times, believers should be attentive to drinking water and consuming vegetables and fruits with a high water content.
Believers should also be attentive and careful about sleep, stress, and physical activity.
Good sleep, healthy nutrition, and physical activity are essential to keeping the immune system in shape.
Furthermore, fasting believers should protect their health by avoiding exposure to the virus and washing their hands as often as possible.
Should Chronically Ill People Fast?
People who are sick, including those infected with COVID-19, should not fast.
Fasting is believed to be inadvisable for people suffering from chronic diseases, including diabetes.
However, decision-making is all in the hands of the person.
Diabetics who decide to fast should be careful with their food.
They should consume foods that release nutrients and energy slowly.
Furthermore, they should measure their blood sugar levels more often than usual.
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