PHOTO/ The arrest of Safet Bajri's girlfriend, this is the means by which the former Miss fled the perpetrators after the murder of Fatbardh Lici

2025-03-14 13:50:00 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

PHOTO/ The arrest of Safet Bajri's girlfriend, this is the means by which

A photo of the "Mercedes Benz" car has been revealed, appearing at the scene of Fatbardh Lici's murder in Kiras, Shkodra, on August 10, 2018. According to the SPAK file, it is suspected that the vehicle was driven by Safet Bajri's girlfriend, Eria Ago, who was arrested about 5 days after her partner.

According to the SPAK investigative file, it is suspected that after the murder of Fatbardh Lici, Eria Ago took Astmer Bilal by car and brought him to Tirana, while Safet Bajri stayed in Shkodra.

 "The murder of citizen Fatbardh Lici occurred at around 07:00 and the conversation takes place 20 minutes after the murder, at which time it turns out that the 'Benz' type vehicle with license plate AA 989 TE, which appears at the scene of the incident, was being driven by citizen EA. From this call it is understood that citizen Astmer Bilali is in the company of citizen Safet Rustemi and is talking to Safet's girlfriend. From this call it is also understood that the persons under investigation are in each other's company, and that the other vehicle is used by E...", the investigative file states according to Euronews.

Also, according to the investigative file of the Shkodra Prosecution, which initially investigated the murder and then SPAK, it turns out that after arriving in Tirana, Astmer Bilali communicated with citizen Denis Brajovic, where he informed him that he allegedly left the vehicle with citizen Pëllumb Gjoka.

The car allegedly used by the perpetrators in the murder of Fatbardh Lici

He also communicated with the person under investigation, Behar Bajri, whom he asked to get off and leave the keys, and then left in the direction of Vlora.

"After the persons committed the murder, the person under investigation Safet Rustemi stayed in Shkodër, while the person under investigation Astmer Bilali immediately left for Tirana together with citizen EA. After arriving in Tirana, he asked the parking guard in the area of ​​the former 'Partizani' cinema and communicated with citizen Denis Brajovic, where he informed him that he had left the vehicle with the suspect citizen Pëllumb Gjoka. He also communicated with the person under investigation Behar Bajri, whom he asked to get off and leave the keys. He then left in the direction of Vlora.

PHOTO/ The arrest of Safet Bajri's girlfriend, this is the means by which

"These circumstances are proven by the numerous telephone communications made between the persons under investigation, as well as by the communications made by the person under investigation Astmer Bilali with citizen EA, as well as by the telephone records, video footage and locations of the persons under investigation," the investigative file states.

Kujtojmë se Safet Bajri u arrestua me urdhër të SPAK më 21 shkurt 2025. Bajri dhe anëtarët e grupit të tij janë të dyshuar për vrasjen e Fatbardh Licit, vëllai i Mustafa Licit, ky i fundit babai i Ibrahim Licit dhe Hamza Licit, i cili u ekzekutua me breshëri plumbash më 10 gusht të vitit 2018 në Kiras të Shkodrës.


Emisioni “Në Shënjestër” zbardh detaje lidhur me rolin e të dashurës së Safet Bajrit në vrasjen e Fatbardh Licit, ngjarje e ndodhur kjo në gusht të vitit 2018 në Shkodër.

Gazetarja Klodiana Lala, raportoi sot se e dashura e Safet Bajrit, shtetasja Eria Ago, pronare e një dyqani në zonën e Myslym Shyrit në Tiranë, është vënë në pranga 5 ditë pas partnerit të saj Safet Bajri, i cili u arrestua më 17 shkurt 2025.

Gjykata e Posaçme caktoi ndaj saj masën e “arrestit me burg”, për akuzat e krijimit të kushteve për të kryer vrasje dhe përkrahje te autorit të krimit. E dashura e Bajrti aktualisht ndodhet në burgun e grave, në Pojskë të Pogradecit.

Por cili ka qenë roli i saj në vrasjes e Ftabradh Licit?

Emisioni “Në Shënjestër” zbulon se ajo ka shërbyer si drejtuesja e automjetit me të cilin ndodheshin Astmer Bilali dhe Safet Bajri, duke çuar dy ekzekutorët e Licit drejt Shkodrës ditën e vrasjes.

Grupi hetues ka bindjen se Fatbardh Lici u ekzekutua nga Astmer Bilali dhe Safet Bajri dhe se hartuesi i këtij skenari ishte Behar Bajri Bajroviq, që luante me dy porta, herë me Ibrahim Licin dhe herë me Astmer Bilalin.

Emisioni “Në Shënjestër” ka zbuluar se çfarë treguan pamjet filmike të kamerave të sigurisë në lokalin ku u ekzekutua Fatbardh Lici atë mëngjes të herët të datës 10 gusht 2018 dhe cilat ishin lëvizjet më pas të grupit ekzekutues të cilët krijuan bindjen te grupi hetues se toga e qitësve ishte e përbërë nga Astmer Bilali dhe Safet Bajri, të cilët lëvizën me makinën e drejtuar nga e dashura e këtij të fundit.

Duke qenë se Ibrahim Lici ishte e vështirë për t’u takuar, Behar Bajri për t’u hakmarrë në lidhje me vrasjen e mikut të tij Boran Bërçana, duke krijuar një konflikt midis Astmer Bilalit dhe Ibrahim Licit, inskenoi vrasjen e xhaxhait të këtij të fundit, Fatbardh Lici, pasi ky i fundit konsumonte vazhdimisht kafenë në orarin e zakonshëm, në lokalin e marrë me qira nga vëllai i tij Sokol Lici.

Sipas grupit hetues fakti që Astmer Bilali dhe Safet Bajri kanë udhëtuar në të njëjtën makinë të drejtuar nga e dashura e këtij të fundit, drejt Shkodrës, në orët e para të mëngjesit të datës 10 Gusht, provohet edhe nga pamjet filmike të kamerave të sigurisë në lokacione të ndryshme ku ata kanë lëvizur.

From wiretaps, telephone records and the examination of video footage, it was concluded that Safet Bajri and Astmer Bilali drove towards Shkodra on the morning of the crime, in two different cars. One of which was owned by Denis Brajovic, and then after arriving in the city, they drove to the crime scene in a previously stolen 'Benz' vehicle.

On August 10, 2018, in the early hours of the morning, Safet Bajri (Rustemi), Astmer Bilali and EA, Safet Bajri's girlfriend, set off towards Shkodra in two vehicles, one of the 'Benz' brand with license plate AA 989 TE, used by Safet Rustemi and the other of the 'Volkswagen' brand with license plate AA 383 PN, used by Denis Brajovic. After arriving in Shkodra, Safet Bajri and Astmer Bilali got out of their cars and used a stolen gray 'Benz' brand vehicle, with license plate AA 760 FX. The vehicle with which they approached the place where the rented bar of the citizen Sokol Lici was located, where almost every day, at the same hour, his brother, the victim Fatbardh Lici, who is also the uncle of Ibrahim Lici, went and drank coffee.

After seeing the victim sitting outside the bar, the vehicle approached him. It is suspected that Astmer Bilali got out of the passenger door and shot him, leaving him dead.

After committing the murder, according to the investigation team, Astmer Bilali and Safet Bajri were seen driving the crime scene car towards the area where the latter lives, where it turns out that Astmer Bilali also burned the car.

After the crime was committed, this same vehicle moved towards the Dobraç area. There it was seen entering the alley that leads to the bar belonging to the 'Bajra' family, from where it is suspected that Safet Bajri (Rustem) got off and then Astmeri, who burned the vehicle, then rejoined Safet.

According to the investigation group, immediately after the crime, Astmer Bilali left Shkodra for Tirana in a 'Volkswagen' vehicle, owned by Denis Brajovic.



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