Iftars and Suhoors during the month of Ramadan, these tips will help you eat properly

Eating properly during Ramadan not only makes it easier to cope with the physical challenges of fasting, but it also helps us feel energized and focused throughout the day, so we can make the most of the day.
Eating during Ramadan is, in essence, not much different from eating properly during the rest of the year. However, since the period of food intake is limited to nighttime, there is a difference in the distribution of the foods we eat.
Nutrition should always, including during Ramadan, be characterized by three characteristics: moderation, variety, and balance.
Staying healthy during Ramadan is important for physical and spiritual well-being.
These are 10 tips to help you eat properly during Ramadan.
Staying hydrated is important during Ramadan, especially since you are not allowed to drink anything during the day. It is important to drink at least two liters of water a day and other fluids during suhoor and iftar to ensure that the body remains hydrated. This can be especially difficult to achieve, so keep a bottle of water with you during tarawih and have a glass or two with iftar this Ramadan.
During Ramadan, it's important to choose nutrient-rich foods to ensure your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs, especially as we eat less often. A lot of fat and few sources of fiber is not always an ideal iftar, as your body needs a more balanced meal. Lentil soup with rice and a crunchy salad is a refreshing and much more nutritious option.
3. Don't trust processed foods
Processed foods, such as packaged foods and high-calorie snacks, should be avoided during Ramadan. These types of foods are often high in calories, sugar, and salt and offer little nutritional value. A bag of chips can be a quick and easy suhoor in a pre-dawn rush, but a few dates are a better alternative.
Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and legumes, provide sustained energy throughout the day. Including legumes, such as beans and chickpeas in your suhoor provides a steady source of energy throughout the day. Add hummus to your iftar and enjoy the fibrous goodness.
Healthy fats, like those found in nuts, seeds, and avocados, are important for overall health and can help you feel full throughout the day. They help maintain brain function and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. A slice of avocado toast or a spread of non-fat organic peanut butter is a simple yet quick suhoor idea, so give it a try!
Fiber, found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, is important for digestive health and can help you feel full throughout the day. Dates are rich in fiber and are a recommended food for suhoor and iftar.
'Skipping' Suhoor can lead to overeating later during Iftar and can cause a drop in energy levels. It is important to eat a well-balanced meal for Suhoor, which will help you stay energized throughout the day, as it prevents a decline in physical performance and cognitive function. As we read the Quran and pray throughout the day, our energy and focus are just some of the things we cannot afford to lose.
8. Overeating at iftar
Eating too much at iftar can cause digestive problems and can lead to weight gain. It is important to eat slowly and stop eating when you feel full. Don't go to tarawih on a full stomach!
During Ramadan, sugary drinks, like soda and fruit juices, should be avoided. Why? Simply put, a spike in blood sugar levels at iftar is not a friendly way to end a day of fasting on an empty stomach. Instead, try ayran for a refreshing milky drink!
10. Moderation is important
Eating too little or too much is not worth it during Ramadan. It is important to enjoy the food you eat, but do so without overdoing it.
Alfa recipes